Baby Laughs With Joy After Tasting Chocolate for First Time

The Joy of Food

Food is more than than survival. With it we make friends, court lovers, and count our blessings. The sharing of food has always been part of the human story. From Qesem Cavern near Tel Aviv comes evidence of ancient meals prepared at a 300,000-yr-old hearth, the oldest ever found, where diners gathered to swallow together. Retrieved from the ashes of Vesuvius: a circular loaf of bread with scoring marks, baked to be divided. "To break bread together," a phrase every bit old as the Bible, captures the ability of a meal to forge relationships, coffin anger, provoke laughter. Children brand mud pies, have tea parties, merchandise snacks to make friends, and mimic the rituals of adults. They gloat with sweets from the time of their first birthday, and the clan of food with love will continue throughout life—and in some belief systems, into the afterlife. Consider the cultures that leave delicacies graveside to let the departed know they are not forgotten. And even when times are tough, the urge to celebrate endures. In the Antarctic in 1902, during Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery trek, the men prepared a fancy meal for Midwinter Day, the shortest twenty-four hours and longest dark of the year. Hefty provisions had been brought on board. Forty-five alive sheep were slaughtered and hung from the rigging, frozen by the elements until it was time to feast. The cold, the darkness, and the isolation were forgotten for a while. "With such a dinner," Scott wrote, "we agreed that life in the Antarctic Regions was worth living." Victoria Pope

Picture of Afghan women sharing a meal

Afghan women share a meal of flatbread, caprine animal, lamb, and fruit in the Women's Garden, a refuge for chat and confidences outside the city of Bamian. The garden and surrounding park were created to promote leisure activities for women and families­. For this grouping information technology includes the chance to bond over food.
Lynsey Addario, Reportage by Getty Images

"I got to thinking … most all those women on the Titanic who passed upward dessert." Erma Bombeck

Pictures of roadside eateries

After Globe War I, roadside eateries like the California snack bar at correct became popular. At left, from acme: In Portugal a truck sells German condolement food; in Washington, D.C., a PETA protester offers meatless hot dogs; in England a beachgoer eats a packed lunch.

Picture of people eating watermelon slices at a picnic

In this 1894 photograph of an outing in the Maine forest, watermelon slices resemble oversize grins. Medieval hunting feasts and Renaissance outdoor banquets were precursors of the picnic, but the activity gained currency afterwards the industrial revolution every bit a short, economic excursion.

"With good friends…and good food on the board…we may well ask, When shall we live if not now?" K.F.Thou. Fisher, The Art of Eating

Pictures of people sharing meals

A shared meal binds people together, whether they're a family proverb grace (left), patients in a Croatian clinic (above, elevation), young men tucking into fried chicken in Accra, Ghana, or Buddhist priests nigh Shanghai supping on noodles in 1931.

Picture of nuns making marzipan sweets

The Sisters of the Visitation near Beirut, Lebanon, use a paste of almonds and sugar to make marzipan sweets, typically eaten around Easter. Foodstuffs are often a source of income for holy orders; the Trappists, for example, sell beer and cheese. These Maronite nuns brand candy shaped like birds and flowers.
Ivor Prickett, Panos pictures

"I will marry you lot if you hope not to make me swallow eggplant." Gabriel García Márquez, Beloved in the Time of Cholera

Pictures of meals as milestones

Meals equally milestones, from acme left: A cake marks a altogether in 1934. At the wedding feast of an Armenian couple in Nagorno-Karabakh, the meat dish khorovats is served forth with song and dance. Foods are laid out in honour of the deceased in Belarus. At correct: A blithesome grab is fabricated in Bristol Bay, Alaska.

Picture of a child eating porridge

Four-yr-old Seraphin Eskildsen is immersed in a bowl of porridge at his home in Denmark. For many, a favorite childhood food summons fond memories. Chef Jacques Pépin's was a baguette with a square of dark chocolate. For Julia Child, it was a vanilla-and-chocolate ice-cream sandwich.
Joakim Eskildsen

The magazine cheers The Rockefeller Foundation and members of the National Geographic Society for their generous support of this series of articles.


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