Here I Go Killing Again Rick and Morty Episode
The characters in the world of Rick And Morty are a morally gray mash-up of people that are never entirely expert or evil, with fifty-fifty titular character Morty, who tends to align himself more than with heroics, not beingness exempt from making some pretty terrible decisions.
A better judgment of the characters and then would perhaps be how merciful they are, and how they treat those who very clearly don't have the upper hand. When information technology comes downwards to it, exercise they swiftly beat out their foes without a 2nd thought? Or do they hesitate, leaving time for their enemy to gain the advantage, but showing the strength of their character in spite of the danger?
ix No Mercy: Rick Sanchez Lost His Empathy Long Agone

It'due south no cloak-and-dagger to fifty-fifty the well-nigh casual of viewers that Rick is perchance one of the nigh merciless characters on the show. After the death of his ain Diane and Beth at the hands of Weird Rick, he took it upon himself to travel realities murdering other Ricks in order to notice the one responsible for murdering his family.
Out of the 2 protagonists, Rick pulls no punches when it comes to the enemies he and Morty have made across their reality-angle adventures. Because of how aware he is of his own bloodshed, Rick has taken on a devil-may-care arroyo to death and feels little emotion when he has to bargain the fatal blow to somebody else.
8 Merciful: Morty Smith Withal Sees The Expert In Others

While Morty certainly isn't perfect and has had more than his fair share of both purposeful and adventitious kills, he does his best to show mercy in most situations. Empathetic, patient, and understanding, Morty has non only been Rick'southward conscience throughout the serial, but as well his better one-half.
Sometimes, however, Morty is merciful to a fault. Multiple times has he gotten himself and his loved ones into far worse situations later trying to help, or even put his own wellbeing behind somebody else's to aid them survive.
vii No Mercy: Tamantha "Tammy" Guterman Is Full Of Hate

Equally a deep-cover agent for the Galactic Federation who got to Rick via both his granddaughter, Summer, and best friend, Birdperson, information technology'due south no surprise that Tammy is one of the well-nigh merciless characters in Rick And Morty.
Murdering her own husband at their wedding before going on a universe-crossing journey to destroy Rick and his family unit, Tammy is a loyal member of the Galactic Federation and has no qualms about killing anybody who gets in her way.
6 Merciful: Birdperson Sees Things Differently

After his long absence in the show after dying at his own hymeneals, getting revived into Phoenixperson, and then dying at Rick'southward hands over again, Birdperson finally fabricated a triumphant return after Rick delved into his subconscious and pulled him out. Non a moment too late, either, as Birdperson is one of the truly likable characters on the show.
Birdperson comes out of his blackout to learn he has a kid out in the earth somewhere, and Rick purposefully hid that detail from him in a selfish effort to keep his friend by his side. Rather than attack Rick, or even verbally berate him, he simply leaves, wanting to avoid the mass amounts of violence the pair have already been through.
5 No Mercy: Krombopulos Michael Loved To Impale

The iconic assassinator who got accidentally crushed by Morty, Krombopulos Michael didn't get a large amount of screentime, but he certainly made the most of the time he had. With his famous line "oh boy, hither I go killing over again" quickly gaining infamy in the fandom, it's safe to say 1 of the assassin's strengths certainly isn't mercy.
Krombopulos Michael fifty-fifty shamelessly gives Morty his business card that displays all of his social media handles and a personalized Twitter hashtag, #KMichaelKills. He's certainly proud of his line of work, and unfortunately, his line of work doesn't allow much room for mercy.
4 Merciful: Summer Smith Lives On The Edge

Summertime is a brilliant representation of a existent teenage girl. She isn't afraid to lead with her eye, she grows in confidence over the series, and she, simply like her brother Morty, has an abundance of empathy that sets her autonomously from her parents and grandpa Rick.
Due to all of these traits, Summer leans towards merciful more than merciless. She certainly isn't clean-living in her actions, but there are very few actions in the testify that Summer commits that are downright merciless.
3 No Mercy: Planetina Volition Kill Anybody To Salve The Planet

Morty meets Planetina in the episode A Rickconvenient Mort and speedily falls in dearest with her, despite the fact she's a Captain Planet-esque character who needs to be summoned by four elemental rings to announced. In the beginning, Planetina is a kind soul whose main goal and sole motivation is protecting the planet, merely it doesn't take long for things to take a turn.
After Morty murders her 4 ring bearers to gratis her from their control, Planetina finds herself unable to command her own trigger-happy urges in regards to saving the planet and kills hundreds of innocent people, who are essentially collateral harm. Morty swiftly breaks upwards with the new Planetina, unable to make her sympathize that what she'due south doing isn't correct.
2 Merciful: Dr. Wong Has A Lot Of Patience

Rick's arch-nemesis who has too much emotional maturity for him to handle, Dr. Wong is the Smith family therapist, and her mental attitude towards both the family and Rick shows that she has huge capacities for both patience and mercy. Even when he's a pickle.
When information technology's discovered that Rick has rigged her function with a wide variety of escape methods that would impale her in the progress, she simply sighs, saying she'due south meliorate than her chore. No matter what the Smith family unit throws at her, she never resorts to insults, violence, or degrading language, and is likely one of the only therapists in the universe that would mercifully deal with all of their problems.
1 No Mercy: Beth Smith Is A Lot Like Her Dad

Beth is, without a doubt, her father's daughter. In the episodeThe ABC's Of Beth, Rick lists off a whole diversity of unhinged inventions that Beth had asked her father to make her during her childhood, almost all of which are designed to damage, or help Beth harm, others in one way or some other.
In the exact aforementioned episode, one of Beth's very get-go victims, Tommy, reveals to Rick that Beth had tried to kill him when they were kids, resulting in him being stuck in her imaginary land. Although viewers could conjecture Beth'southward violent tendencies were a effect of a difficult childhood, these merciless habits carry on well into adulthood, with Space Beth becoming 1 of the most feared and wanted criminals in the milky way.
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